Does this sound like a familiar name? Rings a bell ?
huh, if not, you must be in a non-internet, no newspaper zone - and especially several miles away from my birthplace Mumbai !
Bal Thackeray - Chief of Shiv Sena - is in headlines again! and this time he's used Mr. Sachin Tendulkar as a ladder to reach the news.
Issue? none rather. It's a bad (yet old) habit of Mr. Thackeray to pull out an issue out of nothing - just like the magician pulls out a rabbit out of an empty hat. Well, I admire his skill in doing so- but not in this manner! What are the objections to Sachin's statement? Let's look -
"He's suited best in his field -cricket and he has no business to enter politics. He has no business to talk about being an Indian first and then a Maharastrian"
Now wait a minute!
"I am an Indian first and then ________ian (fill in the blanks!) ", does this sound like a political statement to you? Raise your hand if you say yes/no! keep it raised if u say Yes, and slap Mr. Thackeray with the same hand if you say No.
What makes me angry here is not Mr. Thackeray's attack on Sachin. It's his view on expressing an opinion. Who's he to decide what one should say and what not?
If by saying "I'm an Indian first" makes the statement political then stating the price of 1 dozen "eggs" would make me a poultry farmer! It is as absurd as that.
Enough is enough Bal Talk-rey, You've made a mistake, better admit it!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thank you Sachin !!
Not many days ago, I was feeling down and out.
No particular reason- (NO, It's got nothing to do with me scoring zero in a test. Neither with my jeans getting eaten by a mushroom size cockroach in our backyard.)
So here I was, feeling lonesome and isolated. These days it is barely 5pm , and darkness falls. That gives creepy feeling, and one feels even more distant from dear ones. Evening - not a good time to call home, or friends back home or anyone in India. Damn !
Whoa - I opened the regular-feel-good- pass-time youtube. (I think youtube should be part of anti-depressant or anti-boredom kit. Seriously.) the site recommended me all sort of nonsense including a "OMG !alien attack on Obama" video.
I glanced across and found Sachin smiling in a corner. I clicked on the link reluctantly.
It started with World cup 03 against Pakistan. Then moved on to Sharja 98. Then he was murdering Aussies down under. Some time more, and Warne was sent for a glorious boundary with a mere push of the bat.
Interview moved on, Tendlya started talking about cricket, practice, family, late night long drives and many more.
It was so good to see him talk - Not as a star batsman, but as a veteran in his field and yet so down to earth. I felt proud, happy and bang - better !
Thanks Sachin! You rock!
No particular reason- (NO, It's got nothing to do with me scoring zero in a test. Neither with my jeans getting eaten by a mushroom size cockroach in our backyard.)
So here I was, feeling lonesome and isolated. These days it is barely 5pm , and darkness falls. That gives creepy feeling, and one feels even more distant from dear ones. Evening - not a good time to call home, or friends back home or anyone in India. Damn !
Whoa - I opened the regular-feel-good- pass-time youtube. (I think youtube should be part of anti-depressant or anti-boredom kit. Seriously.) the site recommended me all sort of nonsense including a "OMG !alien attack on Obama" video.
I glanced across and found Sachin smiling in a corner. I clicked on the link reluctantly.
It started with World cup 03 against Pakistan. Then moved on to Sharja 98. Then he was murdering Aussies down under. Some time more, and Warne was sent for a glorious boundary with a mere push of the bat.
Interview moved on, Tendlya started talking about cricket, practice, family, late night long drives and many more.
It was so good to see him talk - Not as a star batsman, but as a veteran in his field and yet so down to earth. I felt proud, happy and bang - better !
Thanks Sachin! You rock!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
तानाजी आणि orkut
तानाजी गोंधळात पडला होता.
आज काल त्याला काही कळेनास झाले होते. परवा परवाची पोरे येऊन महाराजांना काही बाही शिकवू लागली होती.
जुन्या, जाणत्या लोकांना त्यामुळे "पोटदुखी" ह्या विकाराने ग्रासले होते.
"काय म्हणावा आता शिवबाला !", तानाजीने मिशीला पीळ भरता भरता विचार केला. "कोण कुठले लोक, वाट्टेल ते बोलतात. आणि महाराज ऐकून घेतात !. काय वाट्टेल ते चालू आहे ह्या महाराष्ट्रात. जाऊन जरा खबर बात घेतलेली बरी.", तानाजी आपली तलवार हाती घेऊन घोड्याला बाहेर काढावा, म्हणून निघाले.
पाहतात तर काय - पागेत घोडा नाही !
"अहो, माझा घोडा कोणी नेला ?", तानाजींनी आत आवाज लावला.
"आहो, घोडा कशाला म्हणते मी. जरा चालावे माणसाने. नुसते बसून बसून पोट सुटलाय बघा कसं.", मागून आवाज आला.
अजून काही ऐकायला नको, म्हणून तानाजी लगबगीने दाराबाहेर पडले.
"हो - समोरच्या भैयाकडून तूरडाळ आणा १ किलो. आणि विड्या ओढू नका हो। काय मेला दिवसभर धूर.", हेसुद्धा त्यांच्या कानी पडलंच !
तानाजी दाराबाराशी आले आणि चकितच झाले. दरबाराचा चेहरामोहरा अजाबात बदलून गेलेला !
"काय चाललाय काय?", त्यांनी समोरच्या मावळ्याला विचारले.
"क्या हुवा साहेब?", तो मनुष्य प्रश्नार्थक चेहेर्याने तानाजींकडे बघू लागला.
"मोंगल शिपाई आणि इथे ! दगा ! धोका !!" - तानाजींची तलवार बाहेर आली आणि ते वार करणार एवढ्यात कुणीतरी ओरडले - " थांबा हो ! तोः आपलाच माणूस आहे."
"आहो पण - मोंगल असेल - उत्तरेची भाषा बोलतोय. तुम्हाला मी सांगतो -", तानाजी जोशात आले.
"नको. महाराजांनीच ठेवलेत ते लोक. त्यांनाच सांगा."
महाराज म्हटल्यावर तानाजी निमुटपणे शोएब समोरच्या गांगुलीसारखे परत फिरते झाले.
विटा, सिमेंटची देवाणघेवाण करणार्याकडे त्यांना विडी दिसली. "बर झाले. सापडला. नाहीतर घरी कटकट.!" असं पुटपुटत
ते विडी मागायच्या विचारात होते.
"క్యా కరత రే తుం !!", तो विडीधारी माणूस बोलता झाला - आणि औरंगजेब दिसावा तसे तानाजी चमकले!
"अरे अरे .. काय बोलतोय हा !"
"तेलुगु आहे तो. विटा-सिमेंट- घरबांधणी ह्यात फार पटाईत आहेत ते लोक. आणि स्वस्त सुद्धा." - एक रिकामटेकडा मावळा कट्ट्यावरून पचकला.
"महाराजांना भेटायलाच हवं...." तानाजी गंभीर झाले.
"या तानाजी - कसं येणं केलं!", महाराज नेहेमीसारखेच प्रसन्न हसत म्हणाले.
"विडी .. नाही आपलं. सहजच आलो होतो. बरेच दिवस खबर नाही महालाची.
"अच्छा . छान . तुमचा सल्ला हवा होता एका बाबतीत. आम्ही computer course करावा म्हणतोय. कुठे आणि कधी ते जरा बघत होतो. तुम्हाला काय वाटत ?"
तानाजी बिचकले. महाराजांना काही भूत-पिशाच्च वगैरे तर ...
"काय बोलताय महाराज ? हे आजकालच खूळ. आपल्याला कशाला हवे हे ? नुकसानच होणार ह्या असल्या गोशीमुळे."
"अरे अरे .. काय बोलताय हे तानाजी-"
"होय महाराज. स्पष्ट बोलतो. आपण आजकाल नव्या नव्या बाहेरच्या लोकांना संधी देताय. उत्तरेकडचे भय्ये - त्यांनी सामान सुमान विकण्याचा मक्ता घेतलेला आहे. गुजराती तर वाणी म्हणून आता इथलेच झाले आहेत. तेलुगु, मंडळी हॉटेल आणि घरकामाचे मजूर म्हणून सगळीकडे दिसतात. मग आपले मराठी लोक कुठे जाणार ?महालात देखील --"
"अस्स. globalization चा जमाना आलं तानाजी, आहात कुठे? युरोप आणि अमेरिकेचे लोक देखील आता इथल्या लोकांशी स्पर्धा करणार आहेत. तिथले शेतकरी आता इथे माल पाठवणार आणि तिथले कारगीर आता इथे वस्तू विकणार. आपली स्पर्धा असणार आहे ती ह्या लोकांशी. पुढचा विचार करायला हवा तानाजी, डोळ्यावर झापड़ बांधून चालणार नाही.
अहो उत्तर,दक्षिण कसलंघेऊन बसलात - सगळच आपल आहे आता. कोण कुठले लोक पोटापाण्यासाठी आपल्या देशात ख़ुशीने का फिरतात ? गरज आहे ही काळाची.
"पण महाराज हे आपले लोक ठीक आहे. computer आणि पाश्चात्त्य लोकांकडून आपली संस्कृती -"
"तानाजी, आहो साधी गोष्ट आहे. twinkle twinkle little star म्हणून आणि cake कापून जर का आपली संस्कृती भ्रष्ट होणार असेल, तर तुम्ही "संस्कृती" कशाला म्हणताय, हेच मुळात चुकतंय. ह्या छोट्या छोट्या गोष्टी मजा म्हणून करायच्या.
आणि computer म्हणाल तर काळाची गरज आहे ती ! सगळी दुनिया पुढे जात असताना आपणही पुढेच जायला हवा.मग तिथे उत्तर-दक्षिण - पश्चिमी असं म्हणून चालणार नाही. महाराष्ट्राला मर्यादा आहे ती फक्त मराठी माणसाच्या हिंमतीची. काय?"
"असं म्हणता ? आम्हाला वयाप्रमाणे जरा सुस्ती आली होती. मन सुद्धा आळशी झालेले! त्याला सोयीपुरातच दिसत होते."
"ही चूक करून चालणार नाही आता. नुसता मराठी मराठी बोलला, म्हणजे काही होणार नाही. आपल्याला काम करायला हवं तानाजी. प्रत्येक कामात निपुणता कशी मिळवता येयील, ह्या ध्यासाने काम केलं पाहिजे. हर एक क्षेत्रात मराठी लोकांचे नाव आदबीने घेतले जाईल, असा निश्चय हवा !. पटतंय का -"
"होय महाराज. मी आजपासूनच आपल्या मावळ्यांना तयार करतो - technology का काय म्हणतात त्याचे धडे गिरवायला हवे सगळ्यांनी"
"वा. चला तर. या आता तुम्ही." महाराज laptop कडे वळून म्हणाले.
"होय सरकार. जसा हुकुम", तानाजी माघारी वळले, आणि दरबाराबाहेर जाणार एवढ्यात महाराजांची हाक आली -
"अरे हो, आणि तानाजी, तेवढा orkut वर testimonial पाठवलाय, तो जरा स्वीकार करा लवकर!"
हे शेवटलं काय ते मात्र तानाजींना समजल नाही !!
आज काल त्याला काही कळेनास झाले होते. परवा परवाची पोरे येऊन महाराजांना काही बाही शिकवू लागली होती.
जुन्या, जाणत्या लोकांना त्यामुळे "पोटदुखी" ह्या विकाराने ग्रासले होते.
"काय म्हणावा आता शिवबाला !", तानाजीने मिशीला पीळ भरता भरता विचार केला. "कोण कुठले लोक, वाट्टेल ते बोलतात. आणि महाराज ऐकून घेतात !. काय वाट्टेल ते चालू आहे ह्या महाराष्ट्रात. जाऊन जरा खबर बात घेतलेली बरी.", तानाजी आपली तलवार हाती घेऊन घोड्याला बाहेर काढावा, म्हणून निघाले.
पाहतात तर काय - पागेत घोडा नाही !
"अहो, माझा घोडा कोणी नेला ?", तानाजींनी आत आवाज लावला.
"आहो, घोडा कशाला म्हणते मी. जरा चालावे माणसाने. नुसते बसून बसून पोट सुटलाय बघा कसं.", मागून आवाज आला.
अजून काही ऐकायला नको, म्हणून तानाजी लगबगीने दाराबाहेर पडले.
"हो - समोरच्या भैयाकडून तूरडाळ आणा १ किलो. आणि विड्या ओढू नका हो। काय मेला दिवसभर धूर.", हेसुद्धा त्यांच्या कानी पडलंच !
तानाजी दाराबाराशी आले आणि चकितच झाले. दरबाराचा चेहरामोहरा अजाबात बदलून गेलेला !
"काय चाललाय काय?", त्यांनी समोरच्या मावळ्याला विचारले.
"क्या हुवा साहेब?", तो मनुष्य प्रश्नार्थक चेहेर्याने तानाजींकडे बघू लागला.
"मोंगल शिपाई आणि इथे ! दगा ! धोका !!" - तानाजींची तलवार बाहेर आली आणि ते वार करणार एवढ्यात कुणीतरी ओरडले - " थांबा हो ! तोः आपलाच माणूस आहे."
"आहो पण - मोंगल असेल - उत्तरेची भाषा बोलतोय. तुम्हाला मी सांगतो -", तानाजी जोशात आले.
"नको. महाराजांनीच ठेवलेत ते लोक. त्यांनाच सांगा."
महाराज म्हटल्यावर तानाजी निमुटपणे शोएब समोरच्या गांगुलीसारखे परत फिरते झाले.
विटा, सिमेंटची देवाणघेवाण करणार्याकडे त्यांना विडी दिसली. "बर झाले. सापडला. नाहीतर घरी कटकट.!" असं पुटपुटत
ते विडी मागायच्या विचारात होते.
"క్యా కరత రే తుం !!", तो विडीधारी माणूस बोलता झाला - आणि औरंगजेब दिसावा तसे तानाजी चमकले!
"अरे अरे .. काय बोलतोय हा !"
"तेलुगु आहे तो. विटा-सिमेंट- घरबांधणी ह्यात फार पटाईत आहेत ते लोक. आणि स्वस्त सुद्धा." - एक रिकामटेकडा मावळा कट्ट्यावरून पचकला.
"महाराजांना भेटायलाच हवं...." तानाजी गंभीर झाले.
"या तानाजी - कसं येणं केलं!", महाराज नेहेमीसारखेच प्रसन्न हसत म्हणाले.
"विडी .. नाही आपलं. सहजच आलो होतो. बरेच दिवस खबर नाही महालाची.
"अच्छा . छान . तुमचा सल्ला हवा होता एका बाबतीत. आम्ही computer course करावा म्हणतोय. कुठे आणि कधी ते जरा बघत होतो. तुम्हाला काय वाटत ?"
तानाजी बिचकले. महाराजांना काही भूत-पिशाच्च वगैरे तर ...
"काय बोलताय महाराज ? हे आजकालच खूळ. आपल्याला कशाला हवे हे ? नुकसानच होणार ह्या असल्या गोशीमुळे."
"अरे अरे .. काय बोलताय हे तानाजी-"
"होय महाराज. स्पष्ट बोलतो. आपण आजकाल नव्या नव्या बाहेरच्या लोकांना संधी देताय. उत्तरेकडचे भय्ये - त्यांनी सामान सुमान विकण्याचा मक्ता घेतलेला आहे. गुजराती तर वाणी म्हणून आता इथलेच झाले आहेत. तेलुगु, मंडळी हॉटेल आणि घरकामाचे मजूर म्हणून सगळीकडे दिसतात. मग आपले मराठी लोक कुठे जाणार ?महालात देखील --"
"अस्स. globalization चा जमाना आलं तानाजी, आहात कुठे? युरोप आणि अमेरिकेचे लोक देखील आता इथल्या लोकांशी स्पर्धा करणार आहेत. तिथले शेतकरी आता इथे माल पाठवणार आणि तिथले कारगीर आता इथे वस्तू विकणार. आपली स्पर्धा असणार आहे ती ह्या लोकांशी. पुढचा विचार करायला हवा तानाजी, डोळ्यावर झापड़ बांधून चालणार नाही.
अहो उत्तर,दक्षिण कसलंघेऊन बसलात - सगळच आपल आहे आता. कोण कुठले लोक पोटापाण्यासाठी आपल्या देशात ख़ुशीने का फिरतात ? गरज आहे ही काळाची.
"पण महाराज हे आपले लोक ठीक आहे. computer आणि पाश्चात्त्य लोकांकडून आपली संस्कृती -"
"तानाजी, आहो साधी गोष्ट आहे. twinkle twinkle little star म्हणून आणि cake कापून जर का आपली संस्कृती भ्रष्ट होणार असेल, तर तुम्ही "संस्कृती" कशाला म्हणताय, हेच मुळात चुकतंय. ह्या छोट्या छोट्या गोष्टी मजा म्हणून करायच्या.
आणि computer म्हणाल तर काळाची गरज आहे ती ! सगळी दुनिया पुढे जात असताना आपणही पुढेच जायला हवा.मग तिथे उत्तर-दक्षिण - पश्चिमी असं म्हणून चालणार नाही. महाराष्ट्राला मर्यादा आहे ती फक्त मराठी माणसाच्या हिंमतीची. काय?"
"असं म्हणता ? आम्हाला वयाप्रमाणे जरा सुस्ती आली होती. मन सुद्धा आळशी झालेले! त्याला सोयीपुरातच दिसत होते."
"ही चूक करून चालणार नाही आता. नुसता मराठी मराठी बोलला, म्हणजे काही होणार नाही. आपल्याला काम करायला हवं तानाजी. प्रत्येक कामात निपुणता कशी मिळवता येयील, ह्या ध्यासाने काम केलं पाहिजे. हर एक क्षेत्रात मराठी लोकांचे नाव आदबीने घेतले जाईल, असा निश्चय हवा !. पटतंय का -"
"होय महाराज. मी आजपासूनच आपल्या मावळ्यांना तयार करतो - technology का काय म्हणतात त्याचे धडे गिरवायला हवे सगळ्यांनी"
"वा. चला तर. या आता तुम्ही." महाराज laptop कडे वळून म्हणाले.
"होय सरकार. जसा हुकुम", तानाजी माघारी वळले, आणि दरबाराबाहेर जाणार एवढ्यात महाराजांची हाक आली -
"अरे हो, आणि तानाजी, तेवढा orkut वर testimonial पाठवलाय, तो जरा स्वीकार करा लवकर!"
हे शेवटलं काय ते मात्र तानाजींना समजल नाही !!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
In search of true horror !
I have tried almost everything.
I went online and searched "horror" "ghost" "scary" "gory" "bhoot" and their colleagues.
I tried going through various websites for scariest films ever. I watched most of them but could not manage to get scared.
I even checked out nook and corner of wikipedia - to get the best in the best of horror genre.
They say - Japanese horror is the best. I tried that. I even made my eyes smaller like east asian people to see the film from their point of "view". Nothing. no fear - no goosebumps.
In desperate conditions, I ventured into hitherto unknown territory like Philippine/Malay movies. But to no avail. I called friends, relatives, their friends and their relatives - but I failed to get a movie/ script/book that would make me shiver with fear.
At last, My country rescued me. It helped me to find what I was searching for, and that too without much efforts. That's why I love my country. I merely looked that the thing and I was scared as hell. I had found my true horror. Unbelievable yet a true story. Happening in modern India, in contemporary times. Such a horrible experience that for a few minutes my eyeballs came out of the sockets - simply by the very nature of the content.
Ah, what is it? Here it goes, But let me warn you, please make sure you have a strong heart.
"Utter pradesh Chief minister Mayawati has spent almost 3000 crore Rs. in building statues of herself and her mentors. This expenditure of money in a state which has - more than 5.8 crore people living below the poverty line, highest number of child labourers, less than 50 per cent electrified villages, lowest literacy rate of barely 57 per cent and highest maternal mortality as well as neo-natal mortality"
I went online and searched "horror" "ghost" "scary" "gory" "bhoot" and their colleagues.
I tried going through various websites for scariest films ever. I watched most of them but could not manage to get scared.
I even checked out nook and corner of wikipedia - to get the best in the best of horror genre.
They say - Japanese horror is the best. I tried that. I even made my eyes smaller like east asian people to see the film from their point of "view". Nothing. no fear - no goosebumps.
In desperate conditions, I ventured into hitherto unknown territory like Philippine/Malay movies. But to no avail. I called friends, relatives, their friends and their relatives - but I failed to get a movie/ script/book that would make me shiver with fear.
At last, My country rescued me. It helped me to find what I was searching for, and that too without much efforts. That's why I love my country. I merely looked that the thing and I was scared as hell. I had found my true horror. Unbelievable yet a true story. Happening in modern India, in contemporary times. Such a horrible experience that for a few minutes my eyeballs came out of the sockets - simply by the very nature of the content.
Ah, what is it? Here it goes, But let me warn you, please make sure you have a strong heart.
"Utter pradesh Chief minister Mayawati has spent almost 3000 crore Rs. in building statues of herself and her mentors. This expenditure of money in a state which has - more than 5.8 crore people living below the poverty line, highest number of child labourers, less than 50 per cent electrified villages, lowest literacy rate of barely 57 per cent and highest maternal mortality as well as neo-natal mortality"
Monday, June 29, 2009
Poems (Only) for programmers !
int i=0
char *gist
void *p
But where's my..
linked list ?
C asked C++
How are you so
"rich" !
C++ smiled at
poor old C
"Oh, I just inherited it !"
I can break the unix Shell
I can open Windows too
Why the hell in all textbooks
the function name is 'foo' ???
This is just a poem
yet in beta release
version is 0.1.02
Don't read it -please.
int i=0
char *gist
void *p
But where's my..
linked list ?
C asked C++
How are you so
"rich" !
C++ smiled at
poor old C
"Oh, I just inherited it !"
I can break the unix Shell
I can open Windows too
Why the hell in all textbooks
the function name is 'foo' ???
This is just a poem
yet in beta release
version is 0.1.02
Don't read it -please.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Harappan news paper
It's my pleasure to present you an ancient news paper, which was found by my friend and fellow archeologist Alobijakamuni Bibinapokanylija in a hidden chest which was excavated somewhere near the Taj Mahal and great river Yamuna on 21 April 2005. That certainly is another story, but I will at once move to the matter at hand.
So the ancient news paper was published in the Ancient city of Harappa at ancient times. The name of this news paper is "Aylaa". Scholars are yet debating over what it means, but our reliable friend (for name- refer above) conceives that is has something to do with the current Marathi language.
Here is the crux of the matter - a few news headlines for our readers!
SPORTS Section -
B-1 race tomorrow -
Let me reminds our readers that tomorrow after morning sun rise and '3 peacock' standard time, there shall be season's first B-1 race. All participating bullock carts are requested to surrender their bulls after moon rise and '4 owl' standard time. Failure to do so - would mean that the participant will NOT be given free food on any future occasion. Also no participant is allowed to consume tiger blood, goat liver juice or coconut shell powder. These are banned substances.
Regarding the free entries - Only 3 wives and 10 children allowed per person.
See you at the farm tomorrow !
Advertisements Section-
Famous black magician in city, don't miss the chance !
According to our sources, City's famous black magician - "kaaa laaa" is visiting us for a week. He will be seeking patients during his standard visiting hours - from midnight to 'a peacock before dawn'. Please bring your identity tree leafs for the discount. Rates /location is mentioned below-
Standard Black magic - 2 cows, a dog ( barking) and 23 coconuts with water inside.
Western special magic - 2 cows, a cat (barking like dog) and 21 mangos**
White magic - 2 cows (barking like a cat)**
Location - Old burial yard, central burial place.
**special discount on full moon and eclipse
Entertainment Section-
Criminal killing - a review
After many silent weekends, finally we had some fun! Last Friday, we had a criminal killing. The criminal was sentenced to death by stone pelting. And as you might have guessed, we had a full house. Stone sellers had a good business, certainly. As far as the actual performance goes, the murderer was a cold blooded man. Hardly a muscle on his face moved, let alone the melodrama. Plot was not that weak though, Police cried their heart out- a great lead performance llikes of which I haven't seen for many months. And the end - certainly the end was great suspense- as by mistake the assistant jailer was lynched by the mob in a tragic yet rare case of mistaken identity.
My rating - ***1/2
Watch this space for nex------------------------------------------
Unfortunately the newspaper ends here.
Friends, I have already requested to my friend (refer the name above) for more stuff, please be patient !
~ inspired by work of P. L. Deshpande
So the ancient news paper was published in the Ancient city of Harappa at ancient times. The name of this news paper is "Aylaa". Scholars are yet debating over what it means, but our reliable friend (for name- refer above) conceives that is has something to do with the current Marathi language.
Here is the crux of the matter - a few news headlines for our readers!
SPORTS Section -
B-1 race tomorrow -
Let me reminds our readers that tomorrow after morning sun rise and '3 peacock' standard time, there shall be season's first B-1 race. All participating bullock carts are requested to surrender their bulls after moon rise and '4 owl' standard time. Failure to do so - would mean that the participant will NOT be given free food on any future occasion. Also no participant is allowed to consume tiger blood, goat liver juice or coconut shell powder. These are banned substances.
Regarding the free entries - Only 3 wives and 10 children allowed per person.
See you at the farm tomorrow !
Advertisements Section-
Famous black magician in city, don't miss the chance !
According to our sources, City's famous black magician - "kaaa laaa" is visiting us for a week. He will be seeking patients during his standard visiting hours - from midnight to 'a peacock before dawn'. Please bring your identity tree leafs for the discount. Rates /location is mentioned below-
Standard Black magic - 2 cows, a dog ( barking) and 23 coconuts with water inside.
Western special magic - 2 cows, a cat (barking like dog) and 21 mangos**
White magic - 2 cows (barking like a cat)**
Location - Old burial yard, central burial place.
**special discount on full moon and eclipse
Entertainment Section-
Criminal killing - a review
After many silent weekends, finally we had some fun! Last Friday, we had a criminal killing. The criminal was sentenced to death by stone pelting. And as you might have guessed, we had a full house. Stone sellers had a good business, certainly. As far as the actual performance goes, the murderer was a cold blooded man. Hardly a muscle on his face moved, let alone the melodrama. Plot was not that weak though, Police cried their heart out- a great lead performance llikes of which I haven't seen for many months. And the end - certainly the end was great suspense- as by mistake the assistant jailer was lynched by the mob in a tragic yet rare case of mistaken identity.
My rating - ***1/2
Watch this space for nex------------------------------------------
Unfortunately the newspaper ends here.
Friends, I have already requested to my friend (refer the name above) for more stuff, please be patient !
~ inspired by work of P. L. Deshpande
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Not for faint hearted
Warning - The following work is just a pseudo-reality thing imagined by one and only myself at craziest hour of the day.
When I woke up the other morning, things were great. I said hello to the large praying mantis sleeping beside me. He nodded his plastic head with infinitesimally small force that allowed me to capture the motion within a jiffy. I am not sure whether this just meant- my dream ended abruptly or my mind refused to believe my room mate as a normal human being.
While brushing the teeth, tooth number 24 got stuck with the brush, and my fingers had to carry out the rescue operation. Number 24 was allowed to take paste bath twice, which is against my rule- every tooth gets the paste-bath only and only once. Never mind.
On the term breakfast - since this was a weekday- my brain pondered a bit. Within nanoseconds a report came from neurons - "Available inventory consisted nothing that could be readily used", it had a hint of remorse in it, which satisfied me. Proceeding with the proceedings, I decided to boil few-not-yet-moral-chicken-embryos (eggs) and turned the course to north west.
Bath was an registered event of the day, which involved ritualistic activities and a pleasure sensation of sensing the difference in the temperature. Once done, I solemnly completed the activity log by putting on some clothes.
While I was having bath, I had allowed the unhatched chickens in the bowl to have bath in more than hot water, and they were screaming now. Taking them out one by one, I tried to prepare a sandwich, if you want to know what is the official term for the thing, packed it in a plastic wrapper.
"Anything else, chief?", my brain asks, sensing its about get its morning break.
"No, thanks", says I and walk out of the house.
When I woke up the other morning, things were great. I said hello to the large praying mantis sleeping beside me. He nodded his plastic head with infinitesimally small force that allowed me to capture the motion within a jiffy. I am not sure whether this just meant- my dream ended abruptly or my mind refused to believe my room mate as a normal human being.
While brushing the teeth, tooth number 24 got stuck with the brush, and my fingers had to carry out the rescue operation. Number 24 was allowed to take paste bath twice, which is against my rule- every tooth gets the paste-bath only and only once. Never mind.
On the term breakfast - since this was a weekday- my brain pondered a bit. Within nanoseconds a report came from neurons - "Available inventory consisted nothing that could be readily used", it had a hint of remorse in it, which satisfied me. Proceeding with the proceedings, I decided to boil few-not-yet-moral-chicken-embryos (eggs) and turned the course to north west.
Bath was an registered event of the day, which involved ritualistic activities and a pleasure sensation of sensing the difference in the temperature. Once done, I solemnly completed the activity log by putting on some clothes.
While I was having bath, I had allowed the unhatched chickens in the bowl to have bath in more than hot water, and they were screaming now. Taking them out one by one, I tried to prepare a sandwich, if you want to know what is the official term for the thing, packed it in a plastic wrapper.
"Anything else, chief?", my brain asks, sensing its about get its morning break.
"No, thanks", says I and walk out of the house.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
TCP Jayasurya and TCP Sachin !
This is a bit of a technical post - let me claim that first !
We have been working on the TCP ( transmission control protocol) in one of our courses this semester. One of the task assigned was to develop a "congestion control protocol".
Suppose you are downloading a file, then our protocol would make your life better ... you can download the file much faster etc etc etc .....
[Techies- I know FTP is involved. But I am talking at transport layer]
Scene : You are downloading an E-book of 10 MB. Here are few of our proposed "protocols"
1. TCP Jayasurya - Your download starts amazingly well, 5 MB within few milliseconds. But stops suddenly on its way, before you've realised !
2. TCP Ganguly - Your download is fast and good. But after looking at the e-book you realise that only pages on "offside" have been downloaded well, pages on left side are incomplete.
3. TCP Dravid - Have you started the download and still waiting in front of your machine? You can go for a movie and check after 3 hours. You would get the best quality e-book- ever !
Moreover , Larger the e-book- better the quality!
4. TCP Laxman - It is reported that this TCP works only with Australian e-books, and that too in very desperate scenarios. Else it just downloads few pages of e-book
5. TCP Yuvraj - Works with small size books. Generally used for downloading previews of ebooks.
6. TCP Agarkar - Please do not use this TCP for downloading. IT is a viral version which doesn't download anything.
7. TCP Kumble - Your link is very slow? still want to download ? Well, this TCP gives it a tough fight- till connection breaks down.
8. TCP Venkatesh Prasad - I think this would upload a file rather than downloading the existing file. Just neglect this as a rouge version of a TCP.
And last but not the least-
TCP Sachin - Your file gets downloaded within milliseconds. But such is the beauty of this protocol, that you feel like downloading another file .....
We have been working on the TCP ( transmission control protocol) in one of our courses this semester. One of the task assigned was to develop a "congestion control protocol".
Suppose you are downloading a file, then our protocol would make your life better ... you can download the file much faster etc etc etc .....
[Techies- I know FTP is involved. But I am talking at transport layer]
Scene : You are downloading an E-book of 10 MB. Here are few of our proposed "protocols"
1. TCP Jayasurya - Your download starts amazingly well, 5 MB within few milliseconds. But stops suddenly on its way, before you've realised !
2. TCP Ganguly - Your download is fast and good. But after looking at the e-book you realise that only pages on "offside" have been downloaded well, pages on left side are incomplete.
3. TCP Dravid - Have you started the download and still waiting in front of your machine? You can go for a movie and check after 3 hours. You would get the best quality e-book- ever !
Moreover , Larger the e-book- better the quality!
4. TCP Laxman - It is reported that this TCP works only with Australian e-books, and that too in very desperate scenarios. Else it just downloads few pages of e-book
5. TCP Yuvraj - Works with small size books. Generally used for downloading previews of ebooks.
6. TCP Agarkar - Please do not use this TCP for downloading. IT is a viral version which doesn't download anything.
7. TCP Kumble - Your link is very slow? still want to download ? Well, this TCP gives it a tough fight- till connection breaks down.
8. TCP Venkatesh Prasad - I think this would upload a file rather than downloading the existing file. Just neglect this as a rouge version of a TCP.
And last but not the least-
TCP Sachin - Your file gets downloaded within milliseconds. But such is the beauty of this protocol, that you feel like downloading another file .....
Monday, April 27, 2009
Useless !

It has technical- and mathematical humour.
I just loved this one - It shows a mathematician's (or any logical person's) perception of love :)
Couldn't resist the temptation .......
For complete archive -

Saturday, March 7, 2009
K(S)now wh(ite)y and her 7 friends
There's this girl
This "poemish" blog is for her!
Once there was a lil' child
she had seven friends!
Who n How n When n What
Where -why- which were their names!!
She used to play often with them
n they were her best pals :P
she wished she could use them more
at her onsite calls !!
To and fro she thought on things
till dizzy went her head,
se7en friends were still with her
Off she goes to bed!!
at times she asked why
"why'm like this?"
Why simply looked at her
n blew her naughty kiss :P
One could see the lil' girl
confused, "Ah, i'm a waste" :(
"naah" - said I at this point
I know she's still the best !!
This "poemish" blog is for her!
Once there was a lil' child
she had seven friends!
Who n How n When n What
Where -why- which were their names!!
She used to play often with them
n they were her best pals :P
she wished she could use them more
at her onsite calls !!
To and fro she thought on things
till dizzy went her head,
se7en friends were still with her
Off she goes to bed!!
at times she asked why
"why'm like this?"
Why simply looked at her
n blew her naughty kiss :P
One could see the lil' girl
confused, "Ah, i'm a waste" :(
"naah" - said I at this point
I know she's still the best !!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The visitor looked puzzled.
But he had seen nothing like this before. It was truly a strange place. "So they were not joking after all", he exclaimed to himself with a loud chuckle. "What a place ... What a place!", was the murmur a fly near him would have heard a thousand times.
"What is it !!", his patience was planning to leave him. "Ahoy,... anyone here?"
Visitor shouted at top of his voice. His voice echoed off the corners.
"Yes please. What do you seek here?", a sudden voice appeared behind him.
"Who are you?", visitor was clearly not ready for this.
"I am sudden." the voice said.
"What a name !"
"yes, it might appear strange to you, but "strange" can not appear here. He is with "busy".
"?? you alright?"
"No. Alright is a friend of mine". said the voice." you are in Words Cantonment. All words live here. You can find anyone here!".
"Oh that means i reached the place correctly !", the visitor rejoiced."Actually i am on a mission here.I wanted to explore this place".
"sure, let me call Omniscient.He can tell you everything." and sudden disappeared only to re appear with Omniscient - A wizardly looking man.
"Do all words live here?", asked the visitor.
"Yes. Almost all. There are places for them. Engineering, technology and their relatives live in the far eastern colony. They are joined by the science and her disciples.
Politics, sociology and their alliances live in the southern part.But the largest colony here is of Literature. It has spawned over many miles."
"What about the convicts, jail etc?"
"Words like Bastard, Fuck have been put in jail depending on their severity. And a few words have been put into life imprisonment".
"How about graveyard?"
"Well, words like Thou, Thee are placed in graveyard. There are a few other martyrs too. Very few have died early and even less were killed or murdered.", Wizard spoke.
"Ohh, that's sad. What do normal words do for living ?"
"We generally visit websites, authors, clerical staff. Major employers for us are students and children though. But student and children pose a danger too."
"Danger?", visitor found the term amusing.
"Oh yes. They make spelling mistakes. Our hospitals are always full. Certain words like "Practice","advice" are regular victims." Wizard had a gloomy look on his face." In the era of email, words are getting amputated heavily. People do not care to provide even nice working conditions for words anymore. Fortunately the advancement of technology - tools like spell check exist which are miracle medicines for words."
"Oh, yes", said the visitor.
"Anyways, what brings you here?", inquired the Wizard.
"Well, I was in search of a few words. Can you please tell me where to find them? I know they'll be here.", Visitor looked hopeful.
"Sure, whom would you like to meet ?"asked the Wizard.
"Truth, Honesty, non- violence to name a few."
"Well, Then you need to go into the Museum. They are extinct now.", exclaimed the Wizard.
But he had seen nothing like this before. It was truly a strange place. "So they were not joking after all", he exclaimed to himself with a loud chuckle. "What a place ... What a place!", was the murmur a fly near him would have heard a thousand times.
"What is it !!", his patience was planning to leave him. "Ahoy,... anyone here?"
Visitor shouted at top of his voice. His voice echoed off the corners.
"Yes please. What do you seek here?", a sudden voice appeared behind him.
"Who are you?", visitor was clearly not ready for this.
"I am sudden." the voice said.
"What a name !"
"yes, it might appear strange to you, but "strange" can not appear here. He is with "busy".
"?? you alright?"
"No. Alright is a friend of mine". said the voice." you are in Words Cantonment. All words live here. You can find anyone here!".
"Oh that means i reached the place correctly !", the visitor rejoiced."Actually i am on a mission here.I wanted to explore this place".
"sure, let me call Omniscient.He can tell you everything." and sudden disappeared only to re appear with Omniscient - A wizardly looking man.
"Do all words live here?", asked the visitor.
"Yes. Almost all. There are places for them. Engineering, technology and their relatives live in the far eastern colony. They are joined by the science and her disciples.
Politics, sociology and their alliances live in the southern part.But the largest colony here is of Literature. It has spawned over many miles."
"What about the convicts, jail etc?"
"Words like Bastard, Fuck have been put in jail depending on their severity. And a few words have been put into life imprisonment".
"How about graveyard?"
"Well, words like Thou, Thee are placed in graveyard. There are a few other martyrs too. Very few have died early and even less were killed or murdered.", Wizard spoke.
"Ohh, that's sad. What do normal words do for living ?"
"We generally visit websites, authors, clerical staff. Major employers for us are students and children though. But student and children pose a danger too."
"Danger?", visitor found the term amusing.
"Oh yes. They make spelling mistakes. Our hospitals are always full. Certain words like "Practice","advice" are regular victims." Wizard had a gloomy look on his face." In the era of email, words are getting amputated heavily. People do not care to provide even nice working conditions for words anymore. Fortunately the advancement of technology - tools like spell check exist which are miracle medicines for words."
"Oh, yes", said the visitor.
"Anyways, what brings you here?", inquired the Wizard.
"Well, I was in search of a few words. Can you please tell me where to find them? I know they'll be here.", Visitor looked hopeful.
"Sure, whom would you like to meet ?"asked the Wizard.
"Truth, Honesty, non- violence to name a few."
"Well, Then you need to go into the Museum. They are extinct now.", exclaimed the Wizard.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Question paper in "bollywood Mathematics"
Working as a Math lecture assistant inspired me to come up with a question paper for Maths.
Check out !
you can write answers as comments :P
Q1. Find length of Kanoon's hands. ( formula would suffice, show the work for full credit)
Q2. Find length of Thakur's hands. Can u correlate this to q1?
(Hint: consider Limit H->0 and H->infinity)
Q3. Dhanno runs at speed of 32 km/h. How fast should basanti scream so that her voice reaches Viru before dakuu captures her?
(hint : speed of sound is peculiar in Ramgadh. )
Q4. If viroo's hands weigh 2.5 kg each, how much is total weight of Abhay, Bobby and Sunny?
(Hint: 9845334435. That's Hema Malini's phone number.)
Bonus - extra credit
Q5. If salman unbuttons his shirt at 1 button/sec, how many buttons would he unbutton till Vajpayee speaks a complete sentence?
Check out !
you can write answers as comments :P
Q1. Find length of Kanoon's hands. ( formula would suffice, show the work for full credit)
Q2. Find length of Thakur's hands. Can u correlate this to q1?
(Hint: consider Limit H->0 and H->infinity)
Q3. Dhanno runs at speed of 32 km/h. How fast should basanti scream so that her voice reaches Viru before dakuu captures her?
(hint : speed of sound is peculiar in Ramgadh. )
Q4. If viroo's hands weigh 2.5 kg each, how much is total weight of Abhay, Bobby and Sunny?
(Hint: 9845334435. That's Hema Malini's phone number.)
Bonus - extra credit
Q5. If salman unbuttons his shirt at 1 button/sec, how many buttons would he unbutton till Vajpayee speaks a complete sentence?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Snow - Close encounter of 2nd kind!
Well, I've been waiting long for a snowfall.
There were a few hoax calls before in Raleigh, and we were fooled then!
But tonight was different. My roommate(God bless him!) was vigilant for whole night. He kept watch on the weather like a master sailor looks out for land in sea.
It did snow, and how!
The picture was taken through window at around 9.30AM other morning.
What followed after is a predictable event and I don't want to bore you with the yore!
Being from Mumbai, where snow is only seen in fridge, that too when the defrost is not functioning well- I am enthralled by the snowfall !!!
What made me mad with joy is the 1st sight of snowfall! It's certainly one of the most beautiful things. Snow falling from sky, the warm tickling on the your face, the feathery touch of snow - just Wow !!
I'm glad for this experience!
Ahem .. Here's a secret - Do you know what are snow flakes?
snowflakes are actually pop corn that falls from heaven when Gods watch movies :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Death of a ghost
He first couldn't believe that he's no more. Everybody seemed to ignore him which was a sure sign. But he could not accept it as it was usual to be ignored during his lifetime.
So it took him a great deal of laborious experiments to arrive at the conclusion that he was a real ghost. Unlike many stories he had heard, he found his new avatar interesting.
He started walking randomly towards the town, still thinking about the times when he was alive. "I could meet them perhaps", he thought with a gleaming hope.
Arriving at a corner, he noticed children playing there with tires and stray rubbish.
"want to talk?", he asked in an eager voice.
They looked at him and smiled. "yes, sure".
Oh, so they can see me!
"What are you doing at this hour of time.. ", he questioned the boy who looked about 12.
"Ah, nothing. just.. doing nothing really", boy chuckled.
he made a move towards them and sat on an empty wooden box.
They chatted about nothing for about 5 minutes.
"What were you doing there in jungle, so late?"
"Well .. don't be afraid.", he took a deep breath.
Boy looked puzzled.
"I am a ghost", he replied without thinking.
the boy stared at him for a full minute and looked disinterested. he started to walk away.
"Hey, don't be afraid of me", he assured the boy.
"Hell, you want me to believe that thing? anyways I'm not superstitious Sir", the boy snorted back without looking at him.
He wandered about the town for some time.
some chawls, few old houses, gutters filled with filth - everything just looked perfect!
Nothing has changed and nothing will change.
"watch out .. what you doing here?", a harsh voice appeared out of nowhere suddenly.
"nothing. just came to see my house" came his cold reply.
"Well then go in and sleep! what are you doing outside!", constable asked with curiosity, which looked out of place for his profession.
"I .. ", He paused for a millisecond. What harm can he do to me now?Let me take my chances.
"I am a ghost", he replied in same cold fashion.
m"Saala, galat time pe mazaak karta hai", constable started from police dictionary.
"I'll put you in jail and then you won't do such nonsense again. Get lost!", muttered the constable and turned away.
He was bewildered. How could they not believe me!
" Hello, I AM A GHOST. I really am one" he yelled back at constable.
The guy turned back."OK. perhaps you are. What is the proof that you ARE a ghost.Go, get one and then talk to me."
He had known this place too well. After all he had spent almost all of his evenings at this chowk.
"Temple, Ah this will be a reminiscence with my past. The pujari should recognize me!", he thought with a hint of satisfaction. How important was the identity crisis now!
"Namaste", he bowed to the old man.
"Do I know you son? Your face looks familiar to me.", replied the old man with suspicious looks.
"but of course swamij! I .. I .. ", he was much surprised to say anything.
"No it can't be you! You were dead...", suddenly exclaimed the pujari with his head falling back.
" I am a ghost, swamiji.. whatever you said was true!", he replied with a strange note of joy in his voice.
"Oh .. son", pujari regained control over him as he glanced at the opportunity."I'll tell your wife and son to do a Pooja here.That should give you salvation soon". The man's eyes gleamed with scene of Pooja and the Dakshina he would get after that.
"Oh, no need swamiji. I like it this way. It's ideal for me, to see world this way", our man jabbed back at the pujari with haste.
" Haramkhor!", pujari let go an unholy word at the holy place- perhaps one for the day."Get lost and be never seen again in these holy premises", were the last words he heard from the pujari.
Now he was tired. But more prominent feeling was of shock and disbelief.
How could they!
No one clearly can imagine how identity crisis can overwhelm a ghost, so we leave him there with his sorrows.
the place he came to was not a well known one, neither it would profit from being one.
It smelled of liqueur and alcohol, drugs and gunpowder. He shuddered at the thought of being there alive. How nice that he was a ghost himself!
Slowly anger creeped in his mind.
Anger, which he had for such people. Anger kept quietly in his unconscious mind when he was alive.
he kicked a bottle in fury. Two men heard it and checked him.
"What's wrong fellow? Need a douse or two?"
He kept staring at them with fixed gaze.
"Hey", said one goon to his chum."Look at him. He's the same guy who died a week ago in the blasts. I knew him! He's a GHOST", he cried in horror and started to run for his life.
"Cut it out. What harm possibly can a common man's ghost do to you!", said the other one with indifference.
And that was the death of the ghost.
So it took him a great deal of laborious experiments to arrive at the conclusion that he was a real ghost. Unlike many stories he had heard, he found his new avatar interesting.
He started walking randomly towards the town, still thinking about the times when he was alive. "I could meet them perhaps", he thought with a gleaming hope.
Arriving at a corner, he noticed children playing there with tires and stray rubbish.
"want to talk?", he asked in an eager voice.
They looked at him and smiled. "yes, sure".
Oh, so they can see me!
"What are you doing at this hour of time.. ", he questioned the boy who looked about 12.
"Ah, nothing. just.. doing nothing really", boy chuckled.
he made a move towards them and sat on an empty wooden box.
They chatted about nothing for about 5 minutes.
"What were you doing there in jungle, so late?"
"Well .. don't be afraid.", he took a deep breath.
Boy looked puzzled.
"I am a ghost", he replied without thinking.
the boy stared at him for a full minute and looked disinterested. he started to walk away.
"Hey, don't be afraid of me", he assured the boy.
"Hell, you want me to believe that thing? anyways I'm not superstitious Sir", the boy snorted back without looking at him.
He wandered about the town for some time.
some chawls, few old houses, gutters filled with filth - everything just looked perfect!
Nothing has changed and nothing will change.
"watch out .. what you doing here?", a harsh voice appeared out of nowhere suddenly.
"nothing. just came to see my house" came his cold reply.
"Well then go in and sleep! what are you doing outside!", constable asked with curiosity, which looked out of place for his profession.
"I .. ", He paused for a millisecond. What harm can he do to me now?Let me take my chances.
"I am a ghost", he replied in same cold fashion.
m"Saala, galat time pe mazaak karta hai", constable started from police dictionary.
"I'll put you in jail and then you won't do such nonsense again. Get lost!", muttered the constable and turned away.
He was bewildered. How could they not believe me!
" Hello, I AM A GHOST. I really am one" he yelled back at constable.
The guy turned back."OK. perhaps you are. What is the proof that you ARE a ghost.Go, get one and then talk to me."
He had known this place too well. After all he had spent almost all of his evenings at this chowk.
"Temple, Ah this will be a reminiscence with my past. The pujari should recognize me!", he thought with a hint of satisfaction. How important was the identity crisis now!
"Namaste", he bowed to the old man.
"Do I know you son? Your face looks familiar to me.", replied the old man with suspicious looks.
"but of course swamij! I .. I .. ", he was much surprised to say anything.
"No it can't be you! You were dead...", suddenly exclaimed the pujari with his head falling back.
" I am a ghost, swamiji.. whatever you said was true!", he replied with a strange note of joy in his voice.
"Oh .. son", pujari regained control over him as he glanced at the opportunity."I'll tell your wife and son to do a Pooja here.That should give you salvation soon". The man's eyes gleamed with scene of Pooja and the Dakshina he would get after that.
"Oh, no need swamiji. I like it this way. It's ideal for me, to see world this way", our man jabbed back at the pujari with haste.
" Haramkhor!", pujari let go an unholy word at the holy place- perhaps one for the day."Get lost and be never seen again in these holy premises", were the last words he heard from the pujari.
Now he was tired. But more prominent feeling was of shock and disbelief.
How could they!
No one clearly can imagine how identity crisis can overwhelm a ghost, so we leave him there with his sorrows.
the place he came to was not a well known one, neither it would profit from being one.
It smelled of liqueur and alcohol, drugs and gunpowder. He shuddered at the thought of being there alive. How nice that he was a ghost himself!
Slowly anger creeped in his mind.
Anger, which he had for such people. Anger kept quietly in his unconscious mind when he was alive.
he kicked a bottle in fury. Two men heard it and checked him.
"What's wrong fellow? Need a douse or two?"
He kept staring at them with fixed gaze.
"Hey", said one goon to his chum."Look at him. He's the same guy who died a week ago in the blasts. I knew him! He's a GHOST", he cried in horror and started to run for his life.
"Cut it out. What harm possibly can a common man's ghost do to you!", said the other one with indifference.
And that was the death of the ghost.
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Song I liked : [Phir se udd chala (RockStar)]
Rockstar is special movie. It took some time to grow on and appreciate. Ranbir (JJ/Jordan) is an aspiring singer who's not so ser...

Here we dig one layer deep into the world of Bollywood Character actors. This is a universe in itself. The more you explore it, the deeper...
The visitor looked puzzled. But he had seen nothing like this before. It was truly a strange place. "So they were not joking after all...